Creating a Reusable Web Component for Mozilla Firefox: My Journey as an Outreachy Intern

Creating a Reusable Web Component for Mozilla Firefox: My Journey as an Outreachy Intern

Greetings, fellow developers! As an Outreachy intern at Mozilla, I have the incredible opportunity to work on a project aimed at enhancing the user experience of Mozilla Firefox. My task is to create a reusable web component called moz-message-bar. In this blog post, I'll take you on a journey through my internship experience and explain the significance of this project.

Understanding the Project:

First of all, let's take a moment to understand the purpose behind the moz-message-bar component. In web development, message bars are frequently used to display important notifications, alerts, or updates to users. The goal of this project is to create a flexible and reusable web component that can be easily integrated into various Mozilla Firefox interfaces.

Exploring the Technologies:

To build this reusable web component, I am using two powerful tools: Lit and Storybook. Lit is a lightweight, fast, and modern library for building web components. It allows us to write encapsulated, reusable, and highly performant components using standard web technologies such as JavaScript and CSS.

Storybook, on the other hand, is a development environment for UI components that enables us to visually test and document our web components in isolation. It provides an interactive playground where we can explore different component states and variations, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Building moz-message-bar:

During my internship, I am following an iterative and collaborative development process to create the moz-message-bar component. I began by understanding the requirements and design specifications provided by the Mozilla team. This involved learning about the various types of messages to be displayed, the visual styles to be applied, and the desired interaction behaviors.

The moz-message-bar component should be versatile, allowing developers to easily customize the content and behavior based on their specific requirements. We provide options for displaying different types of messages, such as informational, warning or success messages. Additionally, we incorporate interactive elements like buttons or links within the message bar, enhancing its functionality.

Mozilla Firefox prioritizes accessibility and inclusivity. To align with these values, we are making sure the moz-message-bar component adheres to web accessibility standards. We also added support for localization, enabling messages to be displayed in different languages.

Throughout the development process, testing plays a crucial role. I use Storybook to create various scenarios and test different states and variations of the moz-message-bar component. This iterative approach allows us to identify and address any issues, ensuring a robust and bug-free component.

Once the moz-message-bar component is complete, I'll focus on integrating it into Mozilla Firefox's codebase.


My journey as an Outreachy intern at Mozilla Firefox has been truly rewarding. The experience of creating the reusable moz-message-bar component has taught me invaluable lessons in web development and collaboration within an open-source community. I am grateful for the guidance and support provided by the Mozilla community and look forward to witnessing the impact of this project.